LG GSA-5160D
2. Transfer Rate Reading Tests
Review Pages
2. Transfer Rate Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Protected AudioCDs
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing Quality Tests - Clover System Tests
10. Writing Quality Tests - C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
17. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 6
18. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 7
19. DVD+R DL - Page 1
20. DVD+R DL - Page 2
21. DVD-RAM Tests
22. BookType Setting
23. Conclusion
- CD Format
Due to the 40X max reading speed for CD media, the LG drive came last with the pressed and CD-R transfer rate tests, as the two other comparison drives support a max speed of up to 48X for the same format. In the last test though, using US-RW media, the LG drive easily reaches its higher speed, reporting the best time and maximum speed. As we can see in the above graph, in this case, both other drives, support up to 32X reading speed for US-RW.
- DVD Format
With a slight difference between the other two drives, the LG managed to achieve the highest transfer rate speed.
The two layers of a PTP DVD-ROM disc are read sequentially with the drive starting reading from the inner part of the disc, which is the beginning of each layer, progressing towards the outer range for each layer. The Memorex F16 was the fastest drive.
In the graph above we test the reading speed of the LG drive with an OTP disc. The first layer of an OTP dual layer DVD-ROM is read exactly the same way as the first layer of the PTP disc we tested previously. The difference here is the reading strategy of the second layer of the disc. The beginning of the second layer is located in the outer part of the disc, so the drive starts reading from the outer tracks towards the inner part of the disc. Again, the Memorex offers the faster transfer rate speed, with no significant speed difference between the other two.
As we can see in the two graphs above, the LG drive confirmed its maximum reading speed with DVD-R/+R media. Amongst the three external drives, the LG is the fastest, with these media, and with the -RW media also, though the speed difference once more is negligible. With the +RW media, the LG moves in the same space as the other two drives, coming last with an insignificant speed difference.
In this case, the LG performed great, with a ripping speed of 9139Kb/s, leaving the other two, in second and third place.
Here we can see something that we don't always see in our reviews, especially in the External Drives. Below, is a graph of the DVD-RAM reading capabilities of the LG 5160D drive.
-Appendix Nero CD-DVD Speed Graphs
- CD Pressed / CD-R / US-RW
- DVD Pressed SL / DVD Pressed PTP DL / DVD Pressed OTP DL / DVD-R / DVD-RW / DVD+R / DVD+RW / DVD RAM
Review Pages
2. Transfer Rate Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Protected AudioCDs
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing Quality Tests - Clover System Tests
10. Writing Quality Tests - C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
17. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 6
18. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 7
19. DVD+R DL - Page 1
20. DVD+R DL - Page 2
21. DVD-RAM Tests
22. BookType Setting
23. Conclusion