Netflix Released Latest ISP Speed Index
The Netflix ISP Speed Index, which represents a performance rating of ISP's located in 29 countries around the world, has been updated with data for August. Now for some highlights from the August data:
In the U.S., Time Warner Cable jumped three spots to fifth place, with an average speed of 3.53 Mbps, up from 3.37 Mbps a month ago. BrightHouse too advanced, up two places to No. 4 with an average speed of 3.57 Mbps, up from 3.42 Mbps.
In Argentina, TeleRed jumped to third place, with an average speed of 2.24 Mbps, up from 1.81 Mbps in July.
In Ireland, Magnet grabbed the No. 1 spot, which UPC had held since May 2014. Magnet delivered an average speed of 3.36 Mbps in August, compared with 3.25 Mbps by UPC.
The Netflix ISP Speed Index is a measure of prime time Netflix performance on a particular ISP and not a measure of overall performance for other services/data that may travel across the specific ISP network.