Samsung, LG To Showcase new Quantum-dot And OLED TVs at CES 2017
Samsung Electronics will unveil upgraded quantum-dot-based light emitting diode (QLED) TV while rival LG Electronics will have on display its "Signature" lineup including the upgraded version on 4K organic light emitting diode (OLED) TVs at CES 2017.
With QLED Tvs, Samsung is hoping to make a headway in the horserace over the next-generation ultra-high definition TV technology title. Samsung claims that its technolofy meets the infinite contrast ratio of organic light emitting diode (OLED) whie it offers better power efficiency and color ratio.
Samsung will showcase a new type of self-emitting 4K (ultra high definition) LCD TV powered by quantum dots, microscopic molecules that emit their own color when hit by light to offer wide color gamut without losing output at January 3-8 CES event.
Rival LG Electronics is the leader in OLED display while Samsung Electronics has been pitching quantum dots.
LG at CES will unveil newcomers on premium appliance "Signature" lineup including the upgraded version on 4K organic light emitting diode (OLED) TV.
OLED which does not require backlight meet the demands for thinner and flexible displays. It guarantees excellent contrast, essential for a good picture, but remains tricky to manufacture which explains the costly cost. Plus it can create a burn-in effect and does not have a long lifespan.
The quantum dots Samsung Electronics touts long life and the tiny particles that can create a more diverse range of color. Samsung?s quantum-dot SUHD TV boasts 1 billion won different lights versus 16 million available in typical LED TV.
It, however, had its limit in reaching the perfect contrast ratio of OLED and can create the halo effect that can irritate TV viewers. Samsung claims it has solved these downsides in the new product.
LG Electronics will also unveil its self-developed guide robot and will outline the its robotic business during the CES event.
The company hopes to expand to commercial and industrial robotics once it succeeds in making foray into homes with its robotic aid devices.