TDK To Withdraw From The Blu-ray Disc Business
In a move that could give the final hit in the almost dead optical storage and Blu-ray disc market for PCs, TDK has decided to withdraw from the Blu-ray disc business by March 2014.
The move is part of TDK's effort to streamline its business and optimize its business portfolio and production bases, improve cost structure and prioritize the allocation of business resources for growth area. The Japanese company plans to withdraw or sell its Blu- ray business by the end of March in 2014.
TDK has been pioneering the area of blue laser-based research and generally in the optical medium technology. Besides the numerous R&D efforts in the multi-layered optical disc technology, the company had been the first maker to offer BDXL discs.
TDK plans to focus on the passive components, HDD head manufacturing and rechargable battery businesses.
TDK has been pioneering the area of blue laser-based research and generally in the optical medium technology. Besides the numerous R&D efforts in the multi-layered optical disc technology, the company had been the first maker to offer BDXL discs.
TDK plans to focus on the passive components, HDD head manufacturing and rechargable battery businesses.