Viber Now Available On All Windows 10 Devices
Viber lets you send messages and make HD-quality phone and video calls over WiFi and mobile networks from just about anywhere. Share photos, videos and voice messages, message groups of up to 200 people, and if you have second thoughts about a message you’ve sent, just delete it - even after it’s been delivered.
Some features in Viber for Windows 10 are the following :
- Video calls on mobile: Now you can video-call anyone from your phone
- Quick reply: Your messages will pop up outside of the app so that you can reply quickly, without opening up the app
- Cortana support: Ask Cortana with your voice to call or text someone for you.
- Share to Viber: Share links, text, photos, videos or your location to Viber from within any Windows 10 app.
- Access chats from Start menu: Start a new message or reply in recent chats right from the Start menu.
- Organize stickers: Hide and change the display order of your stickers through the Sticker Market settings.
- Localization: New language support for both Russian and Portuguese
- Live Tile: The Live Tile in Windows 10 will show you your new messages
- Like messages: You can now like messages in group chats