Hardware: Plextor PX-W4012TS and PX-S2410T reviews!
Today we post two new hardware reviews, both from Plextor. We tested the latest SCSI recorder & the external portable slim-line Plextor models. Both are offering many features and targeting power users...
- PleXWriter PX-W4012TS At 2003 Plextor is developing a new fast SCSI recorder, despite the high competition of cheap IDE CD-RW drives. What are the expectations from the new PX-W4012TS and how the drive performs against its IDE brother (PX-W4012A)?
- PlexWriter PX-S2410TU: A couple of months ago Plextor shipped a new portable CD-RW recorder. The PlexWriter S2410TU is a stylish portable slim supporting 24X CD-R writing, 10X HS-RW writing and 24X reading. With a light weight and easy to use USB interface, the drive is a very attractive solution for Notebook and desktop PC use.
Lastly, we have updated our TEAC CD-552E review. TEAC provided a unit with new firmware (v1.00) and improved performance, users should re-check the review for the latest information! The drive now reads HS-RW media and offers up to 40X DAE!
- PlexWriter PX-S2410TU: A couple of months ago Plextor shipped a new portable CD-RW recorder. The PlexWriter S2410TU is a stylish portable slim supporting 24X CD-R writing, 10X HS-RW writing and 24X reading. With a light weight and easy to use USB interface, the drive is a very attractive solution for Notebook and desktop PC use.
Lastly, we have updated our TEAC CD-552E review. TEAC provided a unit with new firmware (v1.00) and improved performance, users should re-check the review for the latest information! The drive now reads HS-RW media and offers up to 40X DAE!