Kingmax SuperRAM DDR400
7. Overclocking
The Kingmax DDR-400 are designed to operate at 400MHz. However, programmable read latency further lets you increase the timings, but you will end up overall with slower memory, since the frequency clock is reduced to 266MHz in order to operate at 2-2-2-5 timings.
We did some overclocking tests with the SuperRAM PC3200 and we ended up with a stable system (checked with MEMTest and Prime95) running at 466MHz (2x233MHz) with 2.5-3-3-6 timings. It should be noted that we could even reach 520MHz and the system did not crash when performing the Video Stress test in HL2, but MEMTest reported several errors during the memory read process.
The overclocking potential of the Kingmax memory is very good and keep in mind, that there is no extra memory cooling provided by Kingmax. However, the memory was cool enough to touch, even when running the PCMark05 memory test. Let's see how much performance we gain while overclocking.
Although there are only small differences in performance between the 400MHz and 466MHz operating frequencies, the HL2 Video Stress test reported an 11fps boost. In all cases, the slower 266MHz setting could not compete in any way with the 400MHz and the 466MHz operating speeds. In general, the SuperRAM modules indicate very good overclocking potential, at almost the same timings as the SPD settings.