Palm Zeppelin and Skywriter enter launch process
A Palm insider has given some access to information that definitely and finally confirms the existence of two Palm devices currently codenamed Zeppelin and Skywriter.
The document that we are looking at covers a developer program that allows Palm?s favorite developers to make their applications ready for the two new devices AND maybe even comarket them with Palm. All applications must be submitted by May the 30th - this could point at a launch of the device(s) in Q3 2008.
Last but not least, a mock-up of the devices has been included:
Unconfirmed sighting reports from another Palm insider have confirmed the existence of a 'Centrolike' WM device - it could be very well possible that Skywriter is this box. Alternatively, it could also be a WM6.1 version of the Treo 500 - no further information on the devices is currently available.
The full text is here:
Palm is pleased to invite you to participate in the launch of Zeppelin and Skywriter.
As a launch developer, you can participate in additional marketing and sales program opportunities with Palm for your eligible application.
Your application is eligible for these programs if:
- Your application is ready at the time of device launch
- Your application has successfully passed Designed for Palm Products (DFPP)
compatibility testing. Learn more about DFPP at http://pdn.palm.com/dfpp.
Please let your relationship manager know if you plan on participating and when you have submitted your application for compatibility testing so we can expedite your application through the process.
Carrier Sales Training Materials
Information about your application will be included in the materials prepared for carrier sales training about the device. This opportunity lets the carriers and the carrier sales teams know which applications Palm has approved for use on Zeppelin devices.
How to participate:
Fill out the attached PowerPoint template. Drop in a screen shot in the screen area of the device. Return the template to your relationship manager.
Submission due date: Friday May 30th
Last but not least, a mock-up of the devices has been included:
Unconfirmed sighting reports from another Palm insider have confirmed the existence of a 'Centrolike' WM device - it could be very well possible that Skywriter is this box. Alternatively, it could also be a WM6.1 version of the Treo 500 - no further information on the devices is currently available.
The full text is here:
Palm is pleased to invite you to participate in the launch of Zeppelin and Skywriter.
As a launch developer, you can participate in additional marketing and sales program opportunities with Palm for your eligible application.
Your application is eligible for these programs if:
- Your application is ready at the time of device launch
- Your application has successfully passed Designed for Palm Products (DFPP)
compatibility testing. Learn more about DFPP at http://pdn.palm.com/dfpp.
Please let your relationship manager know if you plan on participating and when you have submitted your application for compatibility testing so we can expedite your application through the process.
Carrier Sales Training Materials
Information about your application will be included in the materials prepared for carrier sales training about the device. This opportunity lets the carriers and the carrier sales teams know which applications Palm has approved for use on Zeppelin devices.
How to participate:
Fill out the attached PowerPoint template. Drop in a screen shot in the screen area of the device. Return the template to your relationship manager.
Submission due date: Friday May 30th