RITEK Launched Recordable Permanent Storage - M-DISC DVD
RITEK recently launched RITEK M-DISC DVD, an optical disc drive claimed to have a lifetime of up to 1,000 years.
M-DISC was researched and developed by Millenniata, Inc. in U.S.A. Data is laser etched into a rock-like recording material instead of traditional organic dye. This makes the disc resistant to the deteriorating effects that typically effect the longevity of optical discs;
light, temperature and humidity. Ritek and Milleniata claim that according to accelerated aging tests, the M-DISC is a permanent storage solution that will last up to 1,000 years.
M-DISC's ability to survive extreme conditions has also been tested and proven by the U.S. Department of Defense.
RITEK M-DISC can be read by most existing DVD drives or players. Howevre, it should be burned with the M-DISC READY Drive, such as commercially available LG disc writers.
RITEK is the only strategic partner of Millenniata in Taiwan. Besides the M-DISC DVDs, the company will also produce the new M-DISC BDs, which will be on the market soon.

RITEK M-DISC can be read by most existing DVD drives or players. Howevre, it should be burned with the M-DISC READY Drive, such as commercially available LG disc writers.
RITEK is the only strategic partner of Millenniata in Taiwan. Besides the M-DISC DVDs, the company will also produce the new M-DISC BDs, which will be on the market soon.