Victor JVC Everio Tiny Digital Camcorder
The mystery around the Victor JVC Gadget is solved. Victor JVC officially announced two new tiny Digital Camcorders - The Everio GZ-MC200 and the Everio GZ-MC100.
The new JVC Victor Everio digital camcorder supports MPEG2, Dolby digital audio AC3 and NTSC picture format. The Everio features the smallest available MPEG 2 codec chip. The GZ-MC100 and the GZ-MC200 feature a CCD chip with 212,000pixels. Both camcorders have an pptical 10 time zoom and digital 200 time zoom. The LCD screen is 1.8 inch and has 13,000pixels.
As storage medium CF-Card micro-drives are supported up to 4GB. Victor says that it had to prepare a special mechanic to supress the vibrations coming from the hard-drive to not disturb the recordings. The victor 4GB CF-Card micro-drive goes on sale in mid October.
From I4U