Nero First to Announce Single-Chip Decoding Solution as 3GPP Approves HE-AAC for Mobile Phone Music Delivery on 3G Handsets
Ahead Software have announced VHDL core, capable of decoding 3GPP audio.
, (HE-AAC v2 - with parametric stereo extensions) as well as legacy Low Complexity AAC and High Efficiency AAC audio, already used in online music delivery over the internet.
High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding with parametric stereo extensions (known as HE-AAC v2) provides the highest possible audio quality at previously unseen bit rates as low as 24 kilobits per second. This makes HE-AAC v2 perfectly suitable for narrowband and mobile networks. The Nero Digital(TM) Audio implementation of HE-AAC v2 has already proven to be superior in the audio quality stakes, as proven by recent independent listening tests.
Full Nero Digital(TM) Audio 3GPP VHDL solution will contain:
-- Audio Source Decoder (supporting 3GPP HE-AAC modes, including HE-AAC v2 with parametric stereo extensions, HE-AAC and LC-AAC)
-- Integrated digital equalizer inside the AAC core (reducing power consumption and eliminating need for additional electronic components)
Nero Digital(TM) Audio 3GPP VHDL is the complete solution for mobile and portable device integrators willing to enable 3GPP music delivery functionality to their devices, with additional supporting playback of the latest generation MPEG-4 audio codecs of Nero Digital(TM). With a single chip solution, it is now possible to decode all the latest industry standards in multimedia coding, while at the same time, beating the DSP competition in power consumption and price - a feature highly recommended for mobile products.
Saving battery life, production and design costs, Nero Digital(TM) 3GPP VHDL solution will enable the highest quality listening experience for any compatible device.
Custom tailored VHDL solutions, which support a subset of the offered standards, are available on request.
High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding with parametric stereo extensions (known as HE-AAC v2) provides the highest possible audio quality at previously unseen bit rates as low as 24 kilobits per second. This makes HE-AAC v2 perfectly suitable for narrowband and mobile networks. The Nero Digital(TM) Audio implementation of HE-AAC v2 has already proven to be superior in the audio quality stakes, as proven by recent independent listening tests.
Full Nero Digital(TM) Audio 3GPP VHDL solution will contain:
-- Audio Source Decoder (supporting 3GPP HE-AAC modes, including HE-AAC v2 with parametric stereo extensions, HE-AAC and LC-AAC)
-- Integrated digital equalizer inside the AAC core (reducing power consumption and eliminating need for additional electronic components)
Nero Digital(TM) Audio 3GPP VHDL is the complete solution for mobile and portable device integrators willing to enable 3GPP music delivery functionality to their devices, with additional supporting playback of the latest generation MPEG-4 audio codecs of Nero Digital(TM). With a single chip solution, it is now possible to decode all the latest industry standards in multimedia coding, while at the same time, beating the DSP competition in power consumption and price - a feature highly recommended for mobile products.
Saving battery life, production and design costs, Nero Digital(TM) 3GPP VHDL solution will enable the highest quality listening experience for any compatible device.
Custom tailored VHDL solutions, which support a subset of the offered standards, are available on request.