9. Tests - Quake 4
Review Pages
2. A Closer Look
3. Testbed
4. Tests - 3D Mark 05
5. Tests - 3D mark 03
6. Tests - Codecreatures Benchmark
7. Tests - Aquamark Triscore, 3D Mark 01
8. Tests - Video Stress HL2
9. Tests - Quake 4
10. Tests - F.E.A.R.
11. Tests - NFS Most Wanted
12. Tests - PassMark
13. Tests - PCMark04/05
14. Tests - Overclocking
15. BIOS Settings - Page 1
16. BIOS Settings - Page 2
17. Bundled Software - Upgrading the BIOS
18. Bundled Software - Overclocking
19. Final Thoughts
In a desperate war for Earth's survival, against an unrelenting alien enemy, the only way to defeat them is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weaponry and vehicles and aided by an elite squad of marines, you take the battle to the heart of the Strogg home planet and become Earth's only hope for victory.
Quake 4 is a First Person Shooter developed by Ravensoft, based on the Doom 3 engine, and the graphics and gameplay certainly reflect that fact. For those who really hated the one-way corridors of Doom 3, new outdoor areas have been added to the game. The feeling however, still remains the same as these areas are quite small-scale, contrary to what other games have to offer.
- Benchmark Settings
As Quake 4 includes no default benchmark, we decided to go with another publicly available demo to measure performance. What we chose is a demo from HWSpirit, which involves a small outdoor scene followed by a long indoor combat. As preloading the stage once again failed miserably and the average framerate varied a lot, we ran it twice every time we restarted the game and measured only the second run.
The resolutions we used are 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200. We measured performance with and without Anti-aliasing.
In Quake4, the difference in performance between the mobos at resolutions at or above 1280x1024 was minimal.
Review Pages
2. A Closer Look
3. Testbed
4. Tests - 3D Mark 05
5. Tests - 3D mark 03
6. Tests - Codecreatures Benchmark
7. Tests - Aquamark Triscore, 3D Mark 01
8. Tests - Video Stress HL2
9. Tests - Quake 4
10. Tests - F.E.A.R.
11. Tests - NFS Most Wanted
12. Tests - PassMark
13. Tests - PCMark04/05
14. Tests - Overclocking
15. BIOS Settings - Page 1
16. BIOS Settings - Page 2
17. Bundled Software - Upgrading the BIOS
18. Bundled Software - Overclocking
19. Final Thoughts