Ritek: CD-R disc prices likely to rise again in March
According to DigiTimes "...Ritek has warned them that the quote price for CD-R discs may rise again in March. Gordon Yeh, CEO of Ritek, admitted that a price rise is possible but said it would depend on demand. Ritek has reached full utilization of its CD-R disc production capacity, he added. CMC Magnetics has also been rumored to plan to raise CD-R disc prices to US$0.20 per unit..."
and continues "...Ritek has gradually shifted its focus from CD-R discs to DVD+R and DVD-R discs. It has a 79% share of the smaller DVD+R market and 20% share of the larger DVD-R market, according to Yeh. DVD-R now has a bigger market than DVD+R. He commented that demand for the formats has developed slower than they had been expected. Ritek hopes to achieve a combined 40% worldwide market share for DVD+R and DVD-R discs this year..."
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